What are the best clothes to use?
Most everyday clothing items work well, if you’re ever unsure just check with me first, people often send over pictures of the items just to double check.
Mens shirts make lovely keepsakes but they do tend to crinkle a little around the faces so I always suggest adding in a softer item (a cotton t-shirt or sweater for example) to give that smooth softer finish.
I add interfacing (a special material which is heat fused to the backside of the fabric) to all clothing, this stops the fabric from stretching and distorting (especially on little ones baby grows as these are super stretchy!)
Soft fleece blankets / dressing gowns can also be used, they make a really lovely soft, keepsake.
Are there any items you can’t use?
Leather and very thick denim I tend not to use on keepsakes.